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Showing posts from August, 2020

The Belated Bachelor Party - Book Review - Ravinder Singh

WELCOME TO THE HELL OF A REUNION. Get the book by clicking on the image below: My Rating : 4.2/5 Its been twelve years since happy,MP,Raam ji and Ravin graduated.Well into their married lives, they realize that none of them had a bachelor party before their weddings. But it's never too late to set things right.They go about planning their belated bachelor party - a Euro trip which , well ends up becoming the  trip of their lifetime. This book is actually a travelogue . In  which four friends namely Ravin, Amardeep, Manprint, Harpreet decides to go on a late bachelor party after 10 years of college without their wife's. The decides to hit South Europe a cross country trip within a week through Czheck Republic,Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.This book actually tells us about the adventures and misadventures of 4 friends on their belated bachelor party. Things I liked about the book : The local humour amoung the buds, their experiences throughout the trip . Picture this: it's ...